
Welcome to Enterprise Services' online Contract Sales Reporting tool for contract vendors.

Special Note:

Credit card payments will be accepted on Tuesdays and Thursdays via phone at (360)-725-5700 from 8:00 – 4:30 p.m. PST. If you reach our voicemail, please leave a detailed message to receive a return call the following Tuesday/Thursday. Please wait to receive an invoice from DES before sending payment. This is to ensure your payment can be identified, accepted and applied correctly.

Please enter your Email Address and Password to log on.

If you do not have an Email Address or Password, or if you are having system trouble,
please contact Customer Service at (360) 407-2210 or contractingandpurchasing@des.wa.gov

Forget your password?
Email Address:

Contract Sales Reporting Worksheet - Lists all customer/organizations to be used as a tool to gather
customer/organization sales data offline before logging on and reporting sales.

Training Video Available!
Click here to view the online video  on how to submit sales data into the Contract Sales Reporting System.

Reporting Instructions
Click here for instructions  on how to submit sales data into the Contract Sales Reporting System.