Date | Type | Memo |
02-05-2019 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment #25 has been finalized and sent to the contractor for signature. Upon return, it will be signed by DES and take legal effect, allowing for the ordering of the newly developed items. |
02-01-2019 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment #25 to the contract is under development. This item addition will add items for Washington State Ferries division of WSDOT for their custom uniforms. These items were developed in coordination with Galls and WSF to set a standard for these items to be included in the rebid of this master contract. |
10-30-2018 : | CONTRACT REBID STATUS | The rebid of this master contract has begun, and stakeholder development is ongoing. If you are interested in participating as a stakeholder in the rebid process, please contact DES Procurement Coordinator Bradley DeVol at 360.407.7920 or |
08-30-2018 : | Updated pricing for boots. | |
02-21-2018 : | Contract amendment #24 has extended the contract until 7/1/2019 or until a new contract is awarded to allow more time for the rebid. | |
01-04-2018 : | CONTRACT STATUS | Added Galls for catergory 3 hats to the price sheet in place of extreme |
10-17-2017 : | CONTRACT STATUS | AAmendment #23 has been fully executed this amendment added four new holsters requested by WSP. We have now removed Extreme from the contract per their request due to lack of business. The updated price sheet has been posted to the internet for filing to the portal page. |
08-25-2017 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Extreme Products has requested to be removed from the contract and the end of the current term. Due to lack of sales, they can longer stay on the contract. Will remove them on September 30, 2017. |
08-22-2017 : | CONTRACT EXTENSION STATUS | Amendment #21 for Extreme and Amendment #22 for Galls have been signed and have updated the extension date to July 01, 2018, also Holsters for WSP have been added to the price sheet for Galls. |
08-15-2017 : | CONTRACT EXTENSION STATUS | Due to workload/staff issues, the current contract extended to July 01, 2018 to all furher time to re-bid this contract, |
07-10-2017 : | CONTRACT STATUS | This contract is expiring October 31, 2017. New contract # is 01417. We are trying to post soliciation for contract #01417 sometime in August. Solicitation is almost ready for Stakeholder review. |
05-19-2017 : | CONTRACT REBID STATUS | A copy of the draft RFP for 01417 has been sent out to all stakeholders. Follow up meetings with all stakeholders are being set up. |
05-19-2017 : | CONTRACT REBID STATUS | This contract will be rebid in July, 2017 as contract #01417 effective Oct 31, 2017 |
05-16-2017 : | ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE | Amendment 5 posted- increased all prices in Category three-Hats and Accessories (WSP), also Contract #06810-Added a shoe to line 14 in Category three and removed item #831-6114 (Thorogood Shoe) from Category three |
05-16-2017 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | Amendment 5 posted- increased all prices in Category three-Hats and Accessories (WSP), also added a shoe to line 14 in Category three and removed item #831-6114 (Thorogood Shoe) from Category three Posted Amendment 5 which increased all prices by 3.% in Category three-Hats amd Accessories for Chough, INC |
04-26-2017 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment 19 added two additional items to Category 2 and Category 5 |
03-06-2017 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment #18 Added 12 WSP items to Category one Appendix B: Price Worksheet (see item #’s 37-48) |
02-15-2017 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment #17 has been fully executed |
02-07-2017 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment #17 to add 4 items to Category 1 has been sent for signatures. |
01-18-2017 : | ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE | Contract Administrator has been changed to Kathie Steller for DES. |
01-17-2017 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment # Sixteen for Blumenthatl/Galls to add Tourmaster Jacket #JA978, fully executed 1/17/2017 |
09-12-2016 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Blumenthal/Galls has been granted a price increase in varying amounts on several items. The contract amendment reflecting the change has been fully executed and a copy sent to the vendor. The revised price worksheet with new prices has also been uploaded to the Contract Summary webpage under "Pricing & Ordering," and a Current Contract Information (CCI) version as well. |
04-29-2016 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment #4 to Chough, Inc. dba. Extreme Products' contract reflecting an 11.5% price increase has been fully executed and sent to the vendor, as well as communicated to WSP. |
02-05-2016 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment 15 has been approved and signed by all; Ordering Information/Price sheet was updated changing the vendor contact information and to add Danner Patrol Boot under Category Four as requested by the Department of Parks and Recreation. The information has been posted to the portal page for updating. |
01-26-2016 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Amendment #15 done to add Danner Patrol Boots to the pricing sheet for Blumenthal’s; Department of Fish and Wild Life has requested for the boots to be added to the contract. Amendment will be sent to the procurement supervisor for review prior to sending to the vendor for signature. |
04-24-2015 : | 4/21/15: I received an email from Kim Gustafson at WSP, which brought to my attention that the Clarino Chukka shoe, #831-6114 was discontinued in June, 2013 and was replaced by the Thorogood shoe #831-6032. The replacement shoe price is $21.05 less than the original, and WSP has been purchasing the replacement shoe at $69.95 since Blumenthal made the change. It is unclear whether DES had information about the product switch in June 2013, and I will have a new contract amendment (#12) drafted to officially reflect the change. | |
02-23-2015 : | Contract Administrator has been changed to Bradley Devol. Please contact Bradley Devol at (360) 407-7920 or if you have any questions. | |
01-23-2015 : | I have re-posted the updated price sheet, with the addition of the Uncle Mike's under belt for WSP. The belts are $16.98 each for sizes Small-2XL and can be found on line item 62. | |
01-08-2015 : | WSP has requested an items addition for under belts from Blumenthal Uniforms. The Contracts Specialist will be sending an amendment to Blumenthal on 1/8/2015 for the request. | |
12-03-2014 : | ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE | This contract has temporarily been assigned to Contracts Specialist Jennifer Burbage. |
11-12-2014 : | Memo: Effective November 14, 2014 Blumenthal Uniform Co will be taken over by Galls LLC. At this time the contract will still opperate under Blumenthal's name and all terms and conditions remain the same. Background: • Blumenthal Uniform Co. Inc. is the vendor identified in this Contract responsible for providing product under the terms, conditions, specifications and pricing of State of Washington Contract 06810. • Blumenthal Uniform Co. Inc. would like to assign all contract 06810 responsibilities on all items where Blumenthal Uniform Co. Inc. was awarded the contract directly over to Galls LLC. • Blumenthal has entered into an agreement to sell substantially all of its assets to Galls LLC, effective 11/14/2014. Three Party Agreement: • Blumenthal Uniform Co. Inc. (Assignor) voluntarily relinquishes its Contract 06810 rights and responsibilities for all items in favor of Galls LLC, (Assignee). • Galls LLC, (Assignee) voluntarily assumes Blumenthal Uniform Co. Inc., (Assignor) rights and responsibilities for all items. • The Washington State Department of Enterprise Services, Master Contracts and Consulting, on behalf of the State of Washington and as the administrator of this contract, approves the Blumenthal Uniform Co. Inc. /Galls LLC, assignment and novation. | |
11-06-2014 : | Blumenthal Uniforms is in the process of being bought out by Galls. Blumenthal has held meetings with both DES and the main cutstomers of this contract and have assured all parties that this transfer of ownership will not effect the current contracts service, or products. I have sent the assignment novation letter to Blumenthal for signature and anticipate this being effective November 14th. All processes for this contract remain the same. | |
08-07-2014 : | State Patrol is looking into items to be added to the contract. At this time I have not received a formal request for an items addition. | |
07-10-2014 : | I have received a list from Blumenthal of items that are still listed on the contract, that have been discontinued. I will be updating the pricing page to reflect the changes. | |
02-27-2014 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | Extreme Products price increase of 3% has been approved and will effective be March 3rd, 2014. The price increase only applies to the portion of the contract awarded to Extreme Products, catagory three of the contract. |
02-07-2014 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | Extreme Products pirce increase request of 3% on all contract items is in the final stages of approval. I will post the new pricing once all documents have been signed. |
01-22-2014 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | Extreme products has requested a 3% price increase that has been passed onto the company from the manufacturer. Extreme Products was awarded category three for contract 06810. I have passed the request onto the appropriate person to start the evaluation/recommendation process. |
01-06-2014 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | I have re-posted the CCI and Price sheet to the WEB. They did not post when the updates were initially made on December 17th. |
12-17-2013 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | Blumenthals price increase is now in effect and the new pricing will be posted to the portal page. |
12-04-2013 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | Blumenthals Request for a price increase ranging from 1.15% to 15.37% has been approved. Blumenthal made this request in October, so now that DES has finalized it's evaluation and approval process the price increase be effective once all documents have been signed by all parties. Once that is complete I I will post the updated price sheets on the portal page along with an updated CCI. |
11-07-2013 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | Blumenthal has requested a price increase ranging from 1.15% to 15.37%, on various line items. The increase request is now with management awaiting their approval. |
10-09-2013 : | CONTRACT EXTENSION | Blumenthal has signed a 2 year contract extension agreement. The new contract term will be November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2015. |
07-31-2013 : | CONTRACT EXTENSION | I will be sending out a contract extension offer to Blumenthal on August 1. The offer will be for a two year contract extension, as customers seem happy with the contract,and Blumenthal's service. |
02-06-2013 : | CONTRACT STATUS | I have sent an Amendment to Blumenthal Uniforms to clarify delivery times as follows: Fechheimer items: 90-120 days for all items Spiewak items: 45 days for orders under 100 sets 90-120 days for orders between 100 – 500 sets 120 days for orders over 500 sets |
10-30-2012 : | CONTRACT STATUS | Product addition of four items. CMACB 10 Olympic Colorblock Class A Shirt. $110.00 PJ300 Patrol Jacket With Fleece liner Royal/Black Custom Sized W/Epaulettes $470.00 S/O Name Sew Name Emblem on Garment, Jacket or Liner $0.00 18DNDN 1.5”x4.5” DK Navy Bkgrd & Brdr Sun Gold letters, 2 line (Top) FI last name (Bot) K-9 Unit $6.95 |
09-11-2012 : | CONTRACT CHANGE | Product addition of Two (2) items to the existing price sheet on Contract 06810. The Gerber 70RX1 jacket and the 70RXL high visibility version jacket will be added to Uniforms Contract, pricing for the 70RX1 will be $209.00 and the 70RXL will be $226.50. |
02-14-2012 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | Effective 2/1/2012 Contractor reduced pricing on ten Safariland holsters in category six. See CCI for new pricing. |
11-21-2011 : | ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE | Met with contractor reps to discuss contract website progress. Updated DES administrator phone # and E-mail. Changed boot description to include (WSP Uniform shoe) note. Posted updated c. and p. docs |
11-07-2011 : | updated "Fee" tab to reflect that there is a 1% management fee applicable to this contract. Sent rough draft broadcast to UM on friday announcing contract award. | |
11-04-2011 : | Award posted to DES website and successful vendors notified. Responded to pre-award protest by Outdoor Outfits | |
10-19-2011 : | Nonresponsive vendors notified and "Intent to Award" notice issued | |
10-17-2011 : | Award recommendation being reviewed/approved | |
09-30-2011 : | Bid closed 09/27/11, evaluating responses/requested samples | |
09-14-2011 : | Prebid conducted 09/13/11; Amendment #2 will be issued, bid closing date remains unchanged | |
09-01-2011 : | IFB posted to WEBS with prebid conference scheduled for 09/13/11 at 2:00 pm, bid closing date of 09/27/11 at 2:00 pm | |
08-30-2011 : | Amendment #1 providing dates/locations for prebid conference and bid closing to be posted 08/31/11; also adds/deletes items, provides clarifications, etc. | |
08-22-2011 : | PRICE ADJUSTMENT | IFB posted 08/19/2011 to WEBS. Due to OSP imminent move to Jefferson Bldg, prebid, garment review and bid closing dates TBA. Already working on Amendment #1 due to need to inc updates specs, add some line items for WSP, etc. |
08-15-2011 : | Roger at Bluemthal's has committed to providing usage by 8/17/2911 | |
08-12-2011 : | CONTRACT STATUS | IFB has been drafted and sent for internal review, input due by 8/17/11. Still awaiting usage from current supplier to incorporate. |
08-03-2011 : | CONTRACT REBID | IFB process assigned to Connie Stacy |
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