Contract #19722 Updates

Contract Title:
Paint, Paint Supplies & Painting Services
Date Type Memo
2024061006-10-2024 : CONTRACT STATUS Competitive Solicitation #19722 Paint, Painting Supplies & Painting Services is in final drafting stage for rebid
2024051605-16-2024 : CONTRACT STATUS DES has made the decision to cancel the Paint, Painting Supplies & Painting Services Competitive Solicitation #19722. A new competitive Solicitation for Paint, Painting Supplies & Painting Services, with minimal changes, will be reposted in WEBS very soon.
2024032803-28-2024 : CONTRACT STATUS Pre-Bid Conference was held on March 21, 2024. Question and answer period closes on April 29, 2024.. Bids are due May 10, 2024.
2024031103-11-2024 : CONTRACT STATUS Solicitation 19722 was posted to WEBS on March 11, 2024 with a closing date of May 10,2024. Questions should be directed to the Procurement Coordinator -Polina Boyle at .
2024022202-22-2024 : CONTRACT STATUS Legal review of the solicitation drafts is completed on 2.20.2024
2024012501-25-2024 : CONTRACT STATUS In legal review stage
2023121212-12-2023 : CONTRACT STATUS Solicitation under Superviser Review
2023040404-04-2023 : CONTRACT STATUS Solicitation under Supervisor Review
2023032103-21-2023 : CONTRACT STATUS Splicitation drafting
2023030103-01-2023 : CONTRACT STATUS Solicitation drafting
2023020802-08-2023 : Final Strategy Revisions
2023012501-25-2023 : CONTRACT STATUS Final Strategy Revisions
2022123012-30-2022 : CONTRACT STATUS Strategy development
2022120812-08-2022 : CONTRACT STATUS Strategy development is almost completed
2022111611-16-2022 : CONTRACT STATUS On 11/16/2022 a 4th meeting was held with sourcing team to discuss scope of work for the master contract 19722 Paint and Paintig services.
2022110311-03-2022 : On 11/02/2022 a 3rd meeting was held with sourcing team to discuss scope of work for the master contract 19722 Paint and Paintig services.
2022101910-19-2022 : CONTRACT STATUS Posted RFI 10/19/2022 responses due 11/04/2022.
2022101110-11-2022 : CONTRACT STATUS On 10/11/2022 a 2nd meeting was held with sourcing team to discuss scope of work for the master contract 19722 Paintig services.
2022092709-27-2022 : CONTRACT STATUS On 9/27/2022 a 1st kick-off meeting was held with sourcing team to discuss master contract 19722 Paintig services.
2022091909-19-2022 : CONTRACT STATUS Initial solicitation sourcing team created. Team information recorded in contract file 19722.
2022091909-19-2022 : CONTRACT STATUS Completed initial market research.
2022081808-18-2022 : CONTRACT STATUS Contract determined to be Medium risk. Research assigned to Polina Boyle
2022081808-18-2022 : NEW CONTRACT Enterprise Services has completed our determination which supports a new solicitation of this contract for Painting Services. The new solicitation is 19722 which has the project schedule for the new solicitation.

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