The media storage solution contract is designed to help with the following:
• Off-site media storage and vault service.
• Storage of tapes and related emergency backup materials in remote locations.
• Disaster recovery data solutions.
• Pick up and delivery service, including container rental and all aspects of the storage process.
Note on Vaccination Requirement: In compliance with Proclamation 21-14.1 – COVID-19 Enterprise Services has identified that this contract includes onsite work as an integral part of the contract scope. DES maintains and publishes a list of Contractors who perform onsite work as an integral part of their scope, including their status in regard to compliance on its COVID information page.
Offsite Data Storage: Expiring Contract DES is considering allowing contract 01116 for Offsite Data Storage to expire in June 2022. If you have any feedback or would like to share your thoughts about utilizing this service, please direct your comments and questions to Team Cypress.
Ordering Steps for the Offsite Data Storage Services Contract:
1. For ordering, pricing, or vendor customer service use the Pricing & Ordering Guide.
2. To place an order, ask product questions or discuss pricing contact Bill Stambaugh. Office: 781-392-5803.
Data Searched. The Vendor search function will only filter on Vendor Name.
Match words out of order. For example if you search for Computer Equipment it would match a row containing the words Computer and Equipment, regardless of the order or position that they appear in the table.
Partial word matching. As the contract search table provides on-the-fly filtering with immediate feedback to the user, parts of words can be matched in the result set. For example Com will match Computer.
Preserved text. The search function has the ability to search for an exact phrase by enclosing the search text in double quotes. For example "Computer Equipment" will match only text which contains the phrase Computer Equipment. It will not match Computer IT Equipment.
Combine search types. You can also mix and match these search types. For example "Computer Equipment" Technology or "Computer Equipment", Technology will match only text which contains the phrase Computer Equipment and also matches the word Technology. It will not match a record containing only the phrase Computer Equipment or a record matching only the word Technology.
Multi-Column Sorting. You can execute multi-column sorting by holding the SHIFT key while you click the table column headings.