Contract Summary

Lean Consultant Services
This contract is Two-Tiered
See vendors on this contract and their certifications

Contract #: 03712

This contract is awarded in 3 categories.

Category 1: Leadership & Cultural Change - This category includes services related to coaching, mentoring, and training leaders to help organizations change their culture to become a Lean organization. This category includes a planning component.
Category 2: Training - This category includes services related to training state employees to understand and apply Lean concepts and tools.
Category 3: Facilitating Lean Process Improvement - This category includes the implementation, deployment, measurement, and follow up to Lean process improvement efforts and events as well as project management and facilitation experience and approach.

Effective Date: 01-04-2015
Est. Annual Worth: $1,128,121
Current Term Ends On: 09-30-2016
Final Term Ends On: 09-30-2016
Commodity Code(s): 918-06, 918-20, 918-21, 918-43, 918-83, 918-90,
Diversity: 31% WBE 1% MBE
# of Bids Received: 30

Contact Info:
Bus Purchases
( ) -

Vendor and Contract Performance Feedback Form
Please send an email request to the Contract Manager for copies of any submitted feedback
See the list of customers and vendors for the contract

Who Can Use This Contract?

  • Contract & Amendments
  • Original Solicitation Documents

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