Purchasing cards create internal efficiencies that make better use of time and money.
Contract term January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2013, with one two-year extension. Maximum term date is December 31, 2015.
Products offered:
Purchasing cards for purchasing goods and services
Corporate cards (travel), either corporate ghost cards or individual travel cards with individual liability.
One Card for purchasing both goods and services and travel. If you choose a One Card Program for your agency, all your cards must be One Card.
Incentive Information:
Purchasing Card Incentive:
Volume Incentive = .00793 x total sales each quarter paid directly to each agency
Speed of Pay = An additional incentive based on how quickly you pay your bill.
Corporate and One Card Incentives are based on all the WSCA States spend and average transaction size. There is also a speed of pay incentive. More information about the Incentive Pay can be viewed at the Pcard website listed below under the WSCA Participating Addendum.
For additional information on Washington State's Purchasing Card Program, please visit
DES Purchasing Card Page.