Contract Summary

Environmental Consulting Services
This contract is Two-Tiered
See vendors on this contract and their certifications

Contract #: 05014
Replaces: 32206

! ! ! This is NOT an active contract ! ! !

Enterprise Services is currently developing a new solicitation for Environmental Consulting Services. Please see the planned procurement page for more information on the new opportunity.

The Environmental Consulting Master Contract (05014) has expired and is no longer available. DES Master Contracts are established in accordance with RCW 39.26, which excludes RCW 39.04 for Public Works, RCW 39.80 for Architecture and Engineering Services, and RCW 18.43 for Engineers and Land Surveyors.

However, The DES Facility Planning Services (FPS) team of experts will also happily work closely with state agencies, local governments, special purpose districts, and other political subdivisions of state government to address your environmental consulting needs. The DES FPS team provides a wide range of professional Architectural/Engineering and Public Works contracting services; and maintains an on-call consultant list, which includes a majority of the professional services that were outlined in the prior Environmental Consulting Master Contract. For information about DES FPS programs, please visit DES Facility Professional Services or contact our DES FPS team at (360) 902-7272 or

Local governments, special purpose districts, and other political subdivisions of the state may also find assistance via the Municipal Services Research Center (MRSC) webpage. This website provides links to resources and services provided by MRSC in relation to purchasing, bidding, and contracting in Washington State.

Contract Scope
Environmental consulting can cover a wide array of different events and activities, making it difficult to develop a comprehensive listing of all the possibilities. This contract’s intent is to have consulting services available throughout the state, by a wide variety of qualified vendors.

Contractors identified which which of ten (10) areas of expertise they offered:
• General Environmental Services
• Hazardous Materials and Solid Waste
• Geology
• Cultural Resources
• Water Resources
• Biology
• Agriculture
• Forestry
• Air, Noise, and Energy
• Hydrology and Hydraulics

Within the areas of expertise, Contractors indicated which Categories of Service the offered. The categories are described below:
• Planning and Permitting - Includes state/regional/local policy and plan development, environmental assessments and permitting for proposed projects, and special studies in support of either planning or project permitting. Special studies may include delineations and mitigation for critical areas, long-term monitoring, and adaptive management activities. Development and implementation of agency-wide environmental management systems are also included in this category.
• Waste Management and Remediation - Includes Phase I, and II environmental site assessments, remedial investigation/feasibility studies/cap design (RI/FS/CAP), site remediation, hazardous material management, solid waste management, recycling, asbestos and lead paint abatement, and many other disciplines related to these topics (such as drilling and subsurface sampling, analytical testing, health and safety, public involvement, etc.).
• Regulatory Compliance – Includes services to ensure that permitted facilities and associated operations are in compliance with relevant environmental and land use regulations (including management of hazardous and toxic materials, air and water discharges, resource protection, various field work and sampling/monitoring activities, reporting and record-keeping, corrective actions, etc.).
• Natural Resource Management - Includes all other natural resource activities that are not directly related to plan development, project permitting, waste management and remediation, or regulatory compliance. This may include but is not limited to watershed characterization and management, salmon recovery efforts, cultural/historical resource inventories, aquifer and water supply studies, geological hazards studies, etc. Note that GIS and mapping services are often a part of this work, but such services could also be included in any of the other categories.

Looking for air quality, asbestos, toxicity or similar testing? Check out Master Contract #02413 for Analytical Lab Services.

***What are 2-Tier Contracts?***
DES manages multiple 2-Tier Contracts for non-IT professional services. These non-IT 2-Tier Contracts work like this:
• Tier 1: General (wide) category scope procurement is posted and completed by Enterprise Services to Pre-Qualify Bidders with in a category (example Facilitators & Facilitation Services, Organizational Development)
• Tier 2: Detailed (specific) scope project procurement posted and completed by the Purchaser to award work to one (1) or more Pre-Qualified Bidders/Contractors as established in Tier 1.

***2nd Tier Process***
When it comes to the Tier 2 process, purchasers have 2 options, depending on the size of the project. It is important to follow the process outlined below to ensure that competition is happening as required by RCW 39.26.

Option 1: Rapid Selection – For small projects under $30,000 (excluding sales tax) or $40,000 (excluding sales tax) if the purchase is being made from a microbusiness, minibusiness or small business as defined by RCW 39.26.010, Purchasers can complete a Rapid Selection Award (no competition required). You can also find more information by reviewing Policy # DES-125-03.
Option 2: Tier 2 Solicitation– For larger projects (over the $30k & $40k ceilings explained in Option 1) purchasers must complete a Tier 2 Solicitation. Details on the 2nd Tier solicitation can be found in the Tier 2 Handbook (under the "Resources" drop-down list below).

Effective Date: 04-15-2015
Est. Annual Worth: $166,439
Current Term Ends On: 04-15-2021
Final Term Ends On: 04-15-2021
Commodity Code(s): 918-43, 925-32, 926-45, 926-52, 926-70, 961-32
Diversity: 0% WBE 0% MBE
# of Bids Received:

Contact Info:
Victoria Scotti
(360) 480-2665

Secondary Contact Info:
Team Apple
(360) 407-8033

Vendor and Contract Performance Feedback Form
Please send an email request to the Contract Manager for copies of any submitted feedback
See the list of customers and vendors for the contract

Who Can Use This Contract?

  • Rates & Points of Contact
  • Aaland Planning Services, Inc. - K & Amd
  • AECOM - K & Amd
  • Amec Foster Wheeler - K & Amd
  • Amnis Opes Institute - K & Amd
  • Anchor QEA, LLC - K & Amd
  • Apex Companies - K & Amd
  • Applied Archaeological Research, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Aqua-Terr Systems Incorporated - K & Amd
  • Archaeological Services - K & Amd
  • Argus Pacific, Inc. - K & Amd
  • ASM Affiliates - K & Amd
  • Aspect Consulting, LLC - K & Amd
  • Assessment Associates, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Associated Environmental Group (AEG) - K & Amd
  • Blue Leaf Environmental - K & Amd
  • Budinger & Associates - K & Amd
  • Cardno, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Cascade Earth Science - K & Amd
  • Cascadia Consulting Group - K & Amd
  • Clearway Environmental, LLC - K & Amd
  • Coho Water Resources, LLC - K & Amd
  • Compliance Services International (CSI) - K & Amd
  • Confulence Environmental Company - K & Amd
  • Dally Environmental, LLC - K & Amd
  • Davey Resource Group - K & Amd
  • DH Environmental - K & Amd
  • DOWL, LLC - K & Amd
  • EA Engineering, Science, & Technology - K & Amd
  • ECO Resource Group, LLP - K & Amd
  • EcoAnalysts, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Ecological Land Services, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Ecolution, LLC - K & Amd
  • EHS-International, Inc.
  • Elceltech Consulting, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Engineering Remediation Resource Grp (ERRG) - K &
  • Environment Intenational Ltd - K & Amd
  • Environment International Government Ltd - K & Amd
  • Environmental Science Associates (ESA) - K & Amd
  • ES Engineering Services, LLC - K & Amd
  • Essency Environmental, LLC - K & Amd
  • Fisher Protocols, LLC - K & Amd
  • Floyd Snider, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Forest Restoration, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Freestone Environmental Services - K & Amd
  • Fulcrum Environmental Consulting - K & Amd
  • Galloway Environmental, Inc. - K & Amd
  • GEI Consultants, Inc - K & Amd
  • GeoEngineers, Inc. - K & Amd
  • George Schneider & Associates - K & Amd
  • Geotechnical Rsources, Inc. (GRI) - K & Amd
  • Golder Associates Inc. - K & Amd
  • Green Solutions, LLC - K & Amd
  • Grette Associates, LLC - K & Amd
  • Groundwater Solutions, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Gryphon Environmental, LLC - K & Amd
  • Hahn & Associates dba Han Environmental - K & Amd
  • Hamer Environmental, L.P. - K & Amd
  • Harris Environmental Group, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Hart Crowser, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Hayman Environmental, LLC - K & Amd
  • Henderson LCC dba Henderson Land Services - K & Am
  • Herrera Environmental Consultnats, Inc - K & Amd
  • Hurricane Industries, LLC - K & Amd
  • HydroCon Environmental LLC - K & Amd
  • ICF Jones & Stokes, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Industrial Economics Incorporated - K & Amd
  • Innovex Environmental Managment, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Insight Geologic, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Integral Consulting, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Kane Environmental, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Krazan & Associates - K & Amd
  • L&L dba Marine Surveys & Assesments - K & Amd
  • Landau Associates, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Leidos, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Leon Environmental, LLC - K & Amd
  • Logan Simpson Design Inc. - K & Amd
  • Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Maul Foster & Alongi, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Meridian Environmental, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Newfields Companies, LLC - K & Amd
  • Normandeau Associates, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Northwest Management, Inc. dba NMI-WA - K & Amd
  • Pacific Groundwater Group, Inc. - K & Amd
  • PBS Engineering and Evironmental Inc. - K & Amd
  • PC Trask and Associates, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Plateau Geoscience Group LLC - K & Amd
  • Professional Services Industries (PSI) - K & Amd
  • Pyron Environmental, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Ramboll Environ US Corporation - K & Amd
  • RIDOLFI Inc - K & Amd
  • Robin Kirschbaum, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Robinson and Noble, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd
  • Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) - K
  • Shannon & Wilson, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Shea Carr & Jewel, Inc. (SCJ Alliance) - K & Amd
  • Skillings-Connolly, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Smayda Environmental Associates, Inc - K & Amd
  • Sound GIS - K & Amd
  • Sound Resolutions - K & Amd
  • Statistical Research, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Stearns, Conrad & Schmidt (SCS) Engeineers - K & A
  • SWCA, Incorporated - K & Amd
  • TechLaw, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Terracon Consultants, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Tetra Tech, Inc. - K & Amd
  • The Caspian Group LLC - K & Amd
  • The Riley Group - K & Amd
  • Tierra Right of Way Services, Ltd - K & Amd
  • TMkey Film - K & Amd
  • TRC Environmental Corporation - K & Amd
  • Trinity Consultants, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Turnstone Environmental Consultants, Inc. - K & Am
  • Veda Environmental LLC - K & Amd
  • Water & Land NAtural Resource Consulting - K & Amd
  • Watershed Science and Engineering, Inc. - K & Amd
  • WEST Consultants, Inc. - K & Amd
  • West Fork ENvironmental, Inc. - K & Amd
  • White Shield, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Willamette Cultural Resources Assoc. - K & Amd
  • Witt O'Brien's, LLC - K & Amd
  • Original Solicitation Documents
  • Bid Tab
  • Memo to File
  • Tier 2 Handbook

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