Contract Summary

Mailing Equipment, Supplies and Maintenance (NASPO)
See vendors on this contract and their certifications

Contract #: 05516
Replaces: 02713 03415
Contract Type: COOPERATIVE

The state of Washington currently participates in NASPO ValuePoint master agreement number ADSP016-00006328 (Mailroom Equipment, Supplies and Maintenance) via participating addendum no. 05516. The final term of this agreement was set to expire on May 15, 2022 but has been extended through December 31, 2022. The State of Washington has extended its participation in the agreement through the new final term date of December 31, 2022.

ALL state agencies MUST submit an "Equipment Approval Request Form" prior to utilizing this contract for medium and high volume equipment per RCW 43.19.720: You can find this form in the Pricing and Ordering Information.

ALL ORDERS should contain the following (1) Mandatory Language: "PO is subject to NASPO Contract # ADSP016-169901 and WA master contract number 05516", (2) Your Name, Address, Contact, & Phone-Number.

NASPO Multi-State contract (Arizona lead state). Washington has signed a Participating Addendum.

Note on Vaccination Requirement: In compliance with Proclamation 21-14.1 – COVID-19 Enterprise Services has identified that this contract includes onsite work as an integral part of the contract scope. DES maintains and publishes a list of Contractors who perform onsite work as an integral part of their scope, including their status in regard to compliance on its COVID information page.

Effective Date: 10-12-2017
Est. Annual Worth: $1,647,463
Current Term Ends On: 03-31-2023
Final Term Ends On: 03-31-2023
Commodity Code(s): 600-02, 600-03, 600-05, 600-08, 600-11, 600-17, 600-19, 600-16, 600-15, 600-21, 600-22, 600-25, 600-27, 600-30, 600-33, 600-36, 600-35, 600-44, 600-47, 600-38, 600-40, 600-46, 600-43, 600-41, 600-42, 600-45, 600-37, 605-10, 605-14, 600-48, 600-50, 600-49, 600-51, 600-54, 600-52, 600-57, 600-59, 600-56, 600-60, 600-61, 600-62, 600-63, 600-64, 600-65, 600-66, 600-67, 600-68, 600-70, 600-71, 600-69, 600-72, 600-73, 600-80, 600-77, 600-81, 605-88, 605-85, 600-83, 600-85, 600-84, 600-86, 600-87, 600-88, 600-89, 600-90, 600-92, 600-95
Diversity: 0% WBE 0% MBE
# of Bids Received: 10

Contact Info:
Ryan Rensel
(360) 701-4494

Secondary Contact Info:
Kim Kirkland
(360) 407-9207

Vendor and Contract Performance Feedback Form
Please send an email request to the Contract Manager for copies of any submitted feedback
See the list of customers and vendors for the contract

Who Can Use This Contract?

  • Pricing & Ordering
  • Pitney Bowes Participating Addendum
  • Pricing & Ordering (Pre Dec 2021)
  • Contract

This Contract has no Resource Documents

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