Contract Summary

Organizational Development
This contract is Two-Tiered
See vendors on this contract and their certifications

Contract #: 05914
Replaces: 32010

Organizational development consulting services shall include, but is not limited to, services with a primary focus on providing recommendations and assistance in common organizational development consulting service areas such as establishing and aligning individuals and organizational objectives, setting expectations, assessments, designing and improving such things as discipline processes, feedback mechanisms, recognition programs, and effective methods of dealing with performance issues.

The following describves the types of services available:
Coaching: A process for individuals or teams to interact with a professional coach designed to address specific learning and performance needs. (See “Leadership Development” and “Team Development” above for typical activities.) The keys to effective coaching are alignment on expectations, roles, process, and feedback protocols. The training or development process via which an individual is supported while achieving a specific personal or professional competence result or goal. Facilitating the coaches to discover answers and new ways of being based on their values, preferences and unique perspectives. Facilitate the exploration of needs, motivations, desires, skills and thought processes to assist the individual in making real, lasting change.

Leadership: Leadership Development; The Role of the Leaders: Hiring the right people for the right position, setting clear expectations, facilitating, listening, coaching, mentoring and recognition. A customized development process by which leaders actively participate in recognizing their strengths and their key learning opportunities and the most effective steps for increasing their leadership capability and improving their individual performance. Tasks often include:
• Conduct and receive feedback from a 360-degree assessment
• Creation and implementation of an individual development plan (with input from the leaders’ manager and a coach)
• Conduct periodic progress reviews and modify development plan as needed
• Conduct wrap up session with the leader and his/her manager to agree on ongoing support
Note: Development activities are often centered around a mix of activities targeted for maximum results. Examples include on-the-job application, mentoring and coaching, workshops and reading.

Team Development Helping a group of people understand what teaming is and helping them develop their ability to work more effectively together through sharing a common purpose, common goal/s, a common approach for working together and holding each other mutually accountable. A customized developmental process focused on team dynamics and the functions of high-performing teams. Areas of focus are often communication, prioritization, decision making, trust building, respect, conflict management, problem solving, risk management, planning, budgeting, resource management, and other functions. These efforts are focused on improving the performance of a team. Tasks often include:
• Assess team dynamics, work style preferences, strengths, and opportunities for improvement
• Create a team development plan and support the team’s learning through the sharing and teaching of best practices and tools
• Conduct periodic progress reviews and modify development plan as needed
• Conduct wrap up session with the leader and their manager to agree on ongoing support

Change Management & Organizational Change: Working with organizations, divisions, etc. to help plan and implement significant changes such as business process redesign or work reorganization, (i.e. Lean Principles), or moves and space changes. A thorough assessment of an impending change and the development of the plan and communication will need to be supporting of an effective change. Tasks may include:
• Assess the business case for change, the magnitude and scope of the change, organizational readiness for change, and the needs of diverse stakeholders, and impacted employees.
• Development of change implementation plans including sponsorship, communications (target audiences, key messages, timing, desired outcomes, delivery vehicles, & senders), training plans, and reinforcement.
• Ongoing gathering of data and evidence to support how effectively the change is being implemented and supported by stakeholders and impacted employees with adjustments made as needed

Effective Communication: Developing and honing listening skills – clarifying and confirming, empathizing, giving feedback in a positive form. The application of best practices and skills needed to transfer information, knowledge, and opinions to others, as well as to gather and comprehend the same from others. Communication basics including recognizing the vast variables involved, such as communication vehicles (oral or written, for example), audience frame of reference, situational needs, cultural differences, work style preferences, and the use of rhetoric and facts.
Tasks associated with effective communication skill-building may include:
• Training – both individual and “critical mass” “Critical mass” trainings are designed to introduce a specific skill broadly in an organization so that all employees adopt the behavior
• Inventories/assessments designed for self-awareness
• Facilitated stretch assignments

Strategic Planning: Helping organizations with their Visioning, Mission/Purpose, Goals, and Key Strategic Initiative Development. The development of an organization’s strategic and tactical initiatives to be resourced and implemented over a given period of time, such as one to three years, in order to achieve intended long-term goals and results.
Tasks often include facilitating a team to do the following for each initiative:
• Document an objective as a concise statement of the desired outcome
• Describe the current situation and the obstacles preventing achievement of the objective and the opportunities that if seized might help achieve it
• Document strategies for what needs to be accomplished in order to achieve the objective
• Describe specific and quantifiable targets and sub-targets as measure of success in order to achieve the strategies
• Document a work plan for executing against the strategies, and put in place processes to track progress and sustain implemented changes

***What are 2-Tier Contracts?***
DES manages multiple 2-Tier Contracts for non-IT professional services. These non-IT 2-Tier Contracts work like this:
• Tier 1: General (wide) category scope procurement is posted and completed by Enterprise Services to Pre-Qualify Bidders with in a category (example Facilitators & Facilitation Services, Organizational Development)
• Tier 2: Detailed (specific) scope project procurement posted and completed by the Purchaser to award work to one (1) or more Pre-Qualified Bidders/Contractors as established in Tier 1.

***2nd Tier Process***
When it comes to the Tier 2 process, purchasers have 2 options, depending on the size of the project. It is important to follow the process outlined below to ensure that competition is happening as required by RCW 39.26.

Option 1: Rapid Selection – For small projects under $30,000 (excluding sales tax) or $40,000 (excluding sales tax) if the purchase is being made from a microbusiness, minibusiness or small business as defined by RCW 39.26.010, Purchasers can complete a Rapid Selection Award (no competition required). You can also find more information by reviewing Policy # DES-125-03.
Option 2: Tier 2 Solicitation– For larger projects (over the $30k & $40k ceilings explained in Option 1) purchasers must complete a Tier 2 Solicitation. Details on the 2nd Tier solicitation can be found in the Tier 2 Handbook (under the "Resources" drop-down list below).

Effective Date: 02-01-2015
Est. Annual Worth: $1,984,527
Current Term Ends On: 01-31-2021
Final Term Ends On: 01-31-2021
Commodity Code(s): 961-10, 961-10, 961-10, 961-10, 961-10, 918-27, 918-27, 918-27, 918-27, 918-27, 924-16, 924-16, 924-16, 924-16, 924-16, 952-58, 952-58, 952-58, 952-58, 952-58, 918-83, 918-83, 918-83, 918-83, 918-83, 961-56, 961-56, 961-56, 961-56, 961-56
Diversity: 1% WBE 1% MBE
# of Bids Received: 86

Contact Info:
Bus Purchases
( ) -

Secondary Contact Info:
Team Cedar
(360) 407-2215

Vendor and Contract Performance Feedback Form
Please send an email request to the Contract Manager for copies of any submitted feedback
See the list of customers and vendors for the contract

Who Can Use This Contract?

  • Rates & Points of Contact
  • Specifications
  • Vendors A-B - Contract & Amendments
  • Vendors C-E - Contract & Amendments
  • Vendors F-J - Contract & Amendments
  • Vendors K-O - Contract & Amendments
  • Vendors P-R - Contract & Amendments
  • Vendors S - Contract & Amendments
  • Vendors T-Z - Contract & Amendments
  • Solicitation Documents
  • Bid Tab
  • Memo to File
  • 2 Tier Handbook

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