The Survey and Mapping Equipment and Supplies contract is designed to help with the following:
• Purchase of total stations, electronic levels, survey grade GPS, mapping grade GPS, electronic data collectors, and associated software, equipment, and supplies necessary for surveying and mapping operations.
• The contract also includes the purchase of high definition scanning equipment.
• This contract award is a replacement for the previous state contract 06906.
Note: WSDOT and other Washington governmental purchasers have a substantial investment in survey equipment manufactured by Trimble, Topcon, and Leica and this Contract is intended to support the purchaser’s current imbedded base of these equipment brands for the purposes of standardization and integration of new equipment with existing equipment.
Ordering Steps:
1. View the
Pricing and Ordering guide which has embedded documents for each vendor, then determine which vendor will best fit your needs.
2. Contact the vendor with requests for quotes, product questions, or to place an order. All vendor contact information is located in the Pricing and Ordering Guide.
3. Place an order by issuing a purchase order to the contractor.
4. Be sure to reference contract # 07812 when you contact the vendor so you get pricing consistent with the master contract.