The purpose of this contract is to establish a convenience-use contract for the as-needed purchase of agricultural lawn and grounds equipment in the following categories:
1. Hand Held Equipment
2. Walk-Behind Equipment
3. Riding Mowers-Up to 30 Horsepower
4. Lawn and Garden Tractors -Up to 30 Horsepower
5. Equipment for Riding Mower, Lawn and Garden Tractors
6. Residential Front Mowers and Equipment
7. Commercial Walk-Behind Mowers and Equipment
8. Commercial Ztrack Mowers and Equipment
9. Commercial Front Mowers and Equipment
10. Commercial Wide Area Mowers
11. Industrial Mowers
12. Compact utility tractors-Up to 48 Horsepower
13. Equipment for Compact Utility Tractors
14. Utility Tractors-Up to 65 Horsepower
15. Equipment for Utility Tractors
16. Utility Vehicles-Up to 65 Horsepower
17. Equipment for Utility Vehicles
18. Tractors, 2x4 and 4x4 70 to 120 Horsepower
19. Agricultural equipment
20. Golf & Turf
21. Commercial Lawn Shredders And Chippers
Data Searched. The Vendor search function will only filter on Vendor Name.
Match words out of order. For example if you search for Computer Equipment it would match a row containing the words Computer and Equipment, regardless of the order or position that they appear in the table.
Partial word matching. As the contract search table provides on-the-fly filtering with immediate feedback to the user, parts of words can be matched in the result set. For example Com will match Computer.
Preserved text. The search function has the ability to search for an exact phrase by enclosing the search text in double quotes. For example "Computer Equipment" will match only text which contains the phrase Computer Equipment. It will not match Computer IT Equipment.
Combine search types. You can also mix and match these search types. For example "Computer Equipment" Technology or "Computer Equipment", Technology will match only text which contains the phrase Computer Equipment and also matches the word Technology. It will not match a record containing only the phrase Computer Equipment or a record matching only the word Technology.
Multi-Column Sorting. You can execute multi-column sorting by holding the SHIFT key while you click the table column headings.