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All Active Contracts
Green Contracts – Green Products.
Pursuant to our state green purchasing laws, policies and executive orders, we are identifying opportunities for incorporating green into statewide contracts, then tracking and reporting on agencies’ green purchases. As such, we are building a variety of green contracts with environmentally preferred specifications, certifications and labels built into the products in our catalogs. For shoppers’ ease of buying green, we have launched a new state Green Purchasing Guide, and are now adding green leaf iconsto flag green contracts to help agencies improve green purchasing. Look for these green contracts when purchasing, and for the green products highlighted within.
Every product and service we use has potential positive or negative impacts on our health and the environment
Environmentally preferred or green products, have less negative environmental and health impacts than similar goods and services that serve the same functions
The purchase of green products can protect the health of the State of Washington’s employees and users of its contracts and facilities
Green products can also help prevent climate change and reduce harm to local and global ecosystems and they often save money.
Improving opportunity in contracting and procurement for small and diverse businesses is good for the State and makes good business sense.
Master Contracts provide customers opportunities to incorporate processes for considering new and diverse businesses for meeting business needs.
Enterprise Services created the search tool below to assist customers with identifying contracts awarded to diverse vendors.
The search is defaulted to contracts that have either a small, minority, women, or veteran owned business.
You can refine the filter by selecting a button from the below button group for a specific certification type:
Small Business: Washington small businesses
Veteran: Department of Veteran Affairs certified veteran-owned businesses.
Minority, Women, Minority/Women: Businesses certified by the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises as being minority- or women-owned.
Diverse vendors are also available as fulfillment partners on some statewide master contracts.
The fulfillment partners are identified on the contracts below, within the pricing and ordering documents.
Data Searched. The contracts search function will filter on Keywords, Contract#, Related Contract Numbers, Contract Title, Award Date, Exp. Date, Contract Description, Vendor Number, Vendor Name, Vendor DBA Name, Authorized Fulfillment Partners, Associated Commodity Codes and their respective definitions.
Match words out of order. For example if you search for Computer Equipment it would match a row containing the words Computer and Equipment, regardless of the order or position that they appear in the table.
Partial word matching. As the contract search table provides on-the-fly filtering with immediate feedback to the user, parts of words can be matched in the result set. For example Com will match Computer.
Preserved text. The search function has the ability to search for an exact phrase by enclosing the search text in double quotes. For example "Computer Equipment" will match only text which contains the phrase Computer Equipment. It will not match Computer IT Equipment.
Combine search types. You can also mix and match these search types. For example "Computer Equipment" Technology or "Computer Equipment", Technology will match only text which contains the phrase Computer Equipment and also matches the word Technology. It will not match a record containing only the phrase Computer Equipment or a record matching only the word Technology.
Multi-Column Sorting. You can execute multi-column sorting by holding the SHIFT key while you click the table column headings.