Contract Summary

Mediation Services
This contract is Two-Tiered
See vendors on this contract and their certifications

Contract #: 04215
Replaces: 06313

The mediation process is a process in which the participants, with the support of a mediator, identify issues, develop options, consider alternatives and make decisions about future actions and outcomes. The mediator acts as a third party to assist the participatns to reach their decisions. Vendors performing work under this contract shall provide mediation services for a range of internal and external disputes and conflicts for the Customer, including, but not limited to, personnel, customer, and vendor-related issues.

This Master Contract’s intent is to have mediation services available throughout the state by qualified vendors (4yrs experience & minium of 40 hours of mediation training). Service expecations under this contract include:
• Setting consistant mediation session expecations
• Impartiality
• Handing Conflicts of Interest
• Ethical Conduct Expectations
• Confidentiality
Additional details around the Service Expectations can be found in Exhibit F of the Solicitation Document (click the Solicitation Document, under Historical Documents below).

***What are 2-Tier Contracts?***
DES manages multiple 2-Tier Contracts for non-IT professional services. These non-IT 2-Tier Contracts work like this:
• Tier 1: General (wide) category scope procurement is posted and completed by Enterprise Services to Pre-Qualify Bidders with in a category (example Facilitators & Facilitation Services, Organizational Development)
• Tier 2: Detailed (specific) scope project procurement posted and completed by the Purchaser to award work to one (1) or more Pre-Qualified Bidders/Contractors as established in Tier 1.

***2nd Tier Process***
When it comes to the Tier 2 process, purchasers have 2 options, depending on the size of the project. It is important to follow the process outlined below to ensure that competition is happening as required by RCW 39.26.

Option 1: Rapid Selection – For small projects under $30,000 (excluding sales tax) or $40,000 (excluding sales tax) if the purchase is being made from a microbusiness, minibusiness or small business as defined by RCW 39.26.010, Purchasers can complete a Rapid Selection Award (no competition required). You can also find more information by reviewing Policy # DES-125-03.
Option 2: Tier 2 Solicitation– For larger projects (over the $30k & $40k ceilings explained in Option 1) purchasers must complete a Tier 2 Solicitation. Details on the 2nd Tier solicitation can be found in the Tier 2 Handbook (under the "Resources" drop-down list below).

Effective Date: 10-01-2015
Est. Annual Worth: $33,303
Current Term Ends On: 09-30-2021
Final Term Ends On: 09-30-2021
Commodity Code(s): 961-05, 961-05, 918-74, 918-74, 961-49, 961-49
Diversity: 0% WBE 0% MBE
# of Bids Received: 21

Contact Info:
Bus Purchases
( ) -

Secondary Contact Info:
Team Cedar
(360) 407-2215

Vendor and Contract Performance Feedback Form
Please send an email request to the Contract Manager for copies of any submitted feedback
See the list of customers and vendors for the contract

Who Can Use This Contract?

  • Rates & Points of Contact
  • Specifications
  • Accord & Collaboration - K & Amd
  • Achieve Consulting Team, Inc. - K & Amd
  • Ahadeff & Forbes - K & Amd
  • Ballard Law Office - K & Amd
  • DDiamond Consulting - K & Amd
  • Dispute Solutions, LLC - K & Amd
  • Eco Resource Group - K & AMd
  • Farallon Consulting LLC - K & Amd
  • Kearns & West, Inc - K & Amd
  • Luna Legal LLC - K & Amd
  • Mediation First, LLC
  • Orelia Hines Mediation Services LLC - K & Amd
  • Skagit Mediation - K & AMd
  • Triangle Associates, Inc. - K & Amd
  • WA State Dispute Resolution Center - K & Amd
  • Workplace Resolutions, LLC - K & Amd
  • Solicitation Documents
  • Bid Tab
  • Memo to File
  • Tier 2 Handbook

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