Contract Summary

Green Janitorial Products and Supplies
Executive Order 18-03 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Purchasing green contract icon
See vendors on this contract and their certifications

Contract #: 25723
Replaces: 00812

This contract is for green janitorial products and supplies that meets the environmentally preferable product requirements, including designated third-party certification and production and packaging sustainability, as set forth in the Washington State Green Purchasing Guide.

Category 1: Cleaning Chemicals
Category 2: Disinfectants, Sanitizers, Food-Contact Surface Sanitizers
Category 3: Hygiene, Personal
Category 4: Waste Management and Recycle
Category 5: Paper Products, Janitorial
Category 6: Janitorial Equipment & Supplies Not Otherwise Identified in a Category

How to Use this Contract
1. Review the Contractor section below to find pricing, product offerings, and information for each Contractor.
2. Contact the sales representatives directly to consult about their products and services.
3. Reference DES Contract No. 25723 on your Purchase Order.
4. Pricing and Product Information - Purchasing instructions, pricing, and product information can be found below.
Product and Pricing Information
5. Consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for common questions on this contract.
6. Contact the Contract Administrator listed below with any further questions.

Category 1: Cleaning Chemicals Walter E. Nelson, Pacific Office Solutions, and Waxie
Category 2: Disinfectants, Sanitizers, Food-Contact Surface Sanitizers ODP Business Solutions, Spruse Home, and Veritiv Operating Company
Category 3: Hygiene, Personal ODP Business Solutions, Spruse Home, and Veritiv Operating Company
Category 4: Waste Management and Recycle ODP Business Solutions, Spruse Home, and Veritiv Operating Company
Category 5 Paper Products, Janitorial Spruse Home, Veritiv Operating Company, and Walter E. Nelson
Category 6: Janitorial Equipment & Supplies Not Otherwise Identified in a Category ODP Business Solutions and Spruse Home

Pacific Office Solutions
[Small Status; Reserved Award - This contract was awarded as a result of a reserved award made available to small or veteran businesses. This Contractor may not be available for the use of federal funds.]
Awarded Category: Category 1: Cleaning Chemicals
Contact Information: Julie Valdez, Email: , Phone: 509-452-1993
Pricing | Contract | Amendment

Walter E. Nelson
Awarded Categories: Category 1: Cleaning Chemicals and Category 5: Paper Products, Janitorial
Contact Information: Steve Zahler, Email: Phone: 503-913-5360
Pricing | Contract | Amendment

Waxie Enterprises
Awarded Category: Category 1: Cleaning Chemicals
Contact Information: Michael Gregus, Email: Phone: 858-239-8997
Pricing | Contract | Amendment

ODP Business Solutions
Awarded Categories: Category 2: Disinfectants, Sanitizers, Food-Contact Surface Sanitizers, Category 3: Hygiene, Personal, Category 4: Waste Management and Recycle, and Category 6: Janitorial Equipment & Supplies Not Otherwise Identified in a Category
Contact Information: Patrick Berg, Email: Phone: 507-789-8252
Pricing | Contract | Amendment

Spruse Home
[Small Status; Reserved Award - This contract was awarded as a result of a reserved award made available to small or veteran businesses. This Contractor may not be available for the use of federal funds.]
Awarded Categories: Category 2: Disinfectants, Sanitizers, Food-Contact Surface Sanitizers, Category 3: Hygiene, Personal, Category 4: Waste Management and Recycle, Category 5: Paper Products, Janitorial, and Category 6: Janitorial Equipment & Supplies Not Otherwise Identified in a Category
Contact Information: Austin Miller, Email: or Phone: 206-294-9654
Pricing | Contract | Amendment

Veritiv Operating Company
Awarded Categories: Category 2: Disinfectants, Sanitizers, Food-Contact Surface Sanitizers, Category 3: Hygiene, Personal, Category 4: Waste Management and Recycle, and Category 5: Paper Products, Janitorial
Contact Information: Joseph Gurzenda, Email: Phone: 717-215-4249
Pricing | Contract | Amendment

DES has ensured this procurement meets RCW 39.26, follows State of Washington Current Procurement Policies, follows DES procurement process, and DES has determined that entering into this contract will be in the best interest of the State of Washington.
Found a Broken Link? E-mail DES so we can fix it ASAP.

Effective Date: 10-01-2023
Est. Annual Worth: $6,727,962
Current Term Ends On: 10-01-2026
Final Term Ends On: 10-01-2028
Commodity Code(s): 436-05, 436-04, 436-08, 436-16, 436-40, 436-24, 436-56, 436-25, 436-59, 436-64, 436-66, 436-67, 436-70, 436-71, 436-68, 486-01, 486-02, 436-90, 486-03, 486-04, 486-08, 486-10, 486-09, 486-11, 486-12, 486-15, 486-13, 486-14, 486-17, 486-16, 486-18, 486-21, 486-28, 486-25, 486-26, 486-30, 486-31, 486-32, 486-34, 486-37, 486-38, 486-42, 486-40, 486-44, 486-45, 486-48, 486-46, 486-50, 486-52, 486-64, 486-65, 486-68, 486-70, 486-72, 486-75, 486-76, 486-78, 486-88, 486-90, 486-94
Diversity: 0% WBE 0% MBE
# of Bids Received: 14

Contact Info:
Phillip Song
(360) 819-0723

Secondary Contact Info:
Brad Stringfellow
(360) 407-9429

Vendor and Contract Performance Feedback Form
Please send an email request to the Contract Manager for copies of any submitted feedback
See the list of customers and vendors for the contract

Who Can Use This Contract?

  • ODP Business Solutions Pricing
  • Pacific Office Solutions Pricing
  • Pricing & Product Information
  • Spruse Home Pricing
  • Veritiv Operating Pricing
  • Walter E. Nelson Pricing
  • Waxie Enterprise Pricing
  • ODP Amd 1
  • ODP Contract
  • Pacific Office Solutions Amd 1
  • Pacific Office Solutions Contract
  • Spruse Home Amd 1
  • Spruse Home Contract
  • Veritiv Amd 1
  • Veritiv Contract
  • Walter E. Nelson Amd 1
  • Walter E. Nelson Contract
  • Waxie Amd 1
  • Waxie Enterprise Contract
  • ODP bid response
  • Original Solicitation Documents
  • Pacific Office Solutions bid response
  • Walter E Nelson bid response
  • Spruse Home bid response
  • Veritiv Operating bid response
  • Waxie bid response
  • Bid Tab
  • FAQ

Vendor Vendor # OMWBE Small Business Veteran Considerations / Preferences Award Type
SPRUSE HOME INC w90893 Small Business Contract Executive Order 18-03 Icon Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Products Purchasing Icon Main & Reserved
ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC w90338 Executive Order 18-03 Icon Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Products Purchasing Icon Main
VERITIV OPERATING COMPANY w9365 Executive Order 18-03 Icon Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Products Purchasing Icon Main
WAXIE'S ENTERPRISES, LLC. w14234 Executive Order 18-03 Icon Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Products Purchasing Icon Main
PACIFIC OFFICE SOLUTIONS w38387 W Small Business Contract Executive Order 18-03 Icon Main

  • M = OMWBE Certified Minority Owned |
  • W = OMWBE Certified Women Owned |
  • MW = OMWBE Certified Minority Women Owned

Veteran Owned Contract Icon = Veteran Owned
Small Business Contract Icon = Small Business
* = Newly Added Icon.

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